Sinus Remedies: Make Your Own Vapor Rub

I can not stand the smell of vicks nor the thickness of petroleum jelly that
just sits on top of my skin.  I want something that smells better and will
absorb better into my skin. What better way to do that than to come up with my
own recipe!  Here it is:

25 drops eucalyptus oil                              2 drops tea tree

10 drops peppermint oil                              2 tsp. almond

3 drops rosemary oil

Find yourself a small dropper bottle and add these ingredients to it.  Shake
gently. To use, apply to a cotton ball and rub on your neck and chest.  Simple
as that!

I am very happy with the results and will stick with this one since I already
have all of the ingredients.  Investing in some basic essential oils is so worth
the cost for the amount of life you get out of them.

Anyone care to share some of their own home remedies?  I would love to hear

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